Love considers the sad struggle of the storm bird

by Craig on May 11, 2012

What do I do when the struggle makes me feel sad?source

God has power.
The stormy struggle has power.
I, you, we also have power.

The noblest way of confronting a life storm is that way of the eagle…

yielding to the power of God…
moving boldly of our own volition…
stealing the storm’s power and rising above it.

In the comments last time Rebecca, Caddo, and Katie wrote of being the eagle. I thought, “I want to be the eagle too.” But I also realized we’re not eagles. The instinct of the eagle will cause it to always chase the storm and ride the winds. We’re human – we operate on choice as well as instinct.

And there are other options to choose.

I can keep flying and ignore the storm…
evading as many raindrops as possible…

Some people like birds struggle through the stormsource

Who knows, there may be a break in the clouds.

And if anyone asks, I’ll pretend to be dry…
despite the water dripping from my beak.

But there’s danger for the bird who chooses to struggle through a storm.


A storm arrives on a low pressure center…
there’s more water and less air on which to fly…
and flying in the rain comes with a cost.

It leads to crashing into trees or windows…
or getting lost and winding up over an ocean or lake…
and at just the time a bird needs more food to stay warm…
all the food is secreted away…because of the rain.

Then, there are the predators…

The sad fact is that when you give up predators strikesource

…and the rain means more vulnerability.

It takes time, energy and effort to ignore a storm…
and it often results in broken wings that never heal.


there are some birds…
who, when the storm hits…
stop moving at all and sit…
cringing their way through the squall.

They surrender to the elements without a fight…
let the rain pelt down upon them without attempting to resist.

It’s an option I’ve taken…the “woe is me” option.

We can choose the sad alternative of simply letting the hurt…hurt.

the sad way to fight the struggle is to give up and let the rain comesource

The tempest arrives and batters the heart, mind, and emotions.
We become a slave to the pain, and obey its every whim.
There is gain in flying above, some gain in muddling through…
but no gain at all in laying down, giving in, giving up.

Although God hearts piecing back together what’s broken beyond repair.

And still, there’s another option…

a tricky one…

Next time…

Please come back.

{ 21 comments… read them below or add one }

Cora May 11, 2012 at 10:50 am

Years ago, I was in a Bible Study, and learning how to do word studies, looking them up in the Concordance, Lexicon, Bible Dictionaries, and so on down the line. Our word for this practice was patience. And I never forgot it’s lessons. If I remember correctly, the two root words of this word, “patience” mean to abide under, to be steadfast, or longsuffering. The example was given of standing firm in the midst of a storm under the umbrella of faith and trust, knowing that all that God is was available to me to weather this storm. It wasn’t crouching in fear, or running away, but rather standing firm on all I knew to be truth. I still have a beautiful, lacey umbrella to remind me of that truth.

No, we don’t have the instincts like eagles to fly into the storm every.single.time. In fact, my instinct is to hide or run. And I’m not sure how good I’ve been at standing under my umbrella either. Sometimes I feel more like that little bird on that feeder being pelted by the storm and my feet frozen to whatever I’m standing on.

I can’t wait to read the conclusion to this, Craig. I was so taken in by what you wrote today. Thank you!


Craig May 11, 2012 at 12:17 pm

First, my friend, what makes you think I’m going to come to a conclusion? ツ second, I’m really happy you have all of that early Bible training lean on, third, boy oh boy how much I relate to that bird being pelted by the rain, but I’ve also been the Eagle, AND the birds continuing to fly in the rain – AND I, like you, would be SO next to nothing if not for the faith to bear up under – underneath the umbrella. God bless you and keep you Cora!


Caddo Veil May 11, 2012 at 12:47 pm

Oh brother Craig, I am so loving this. First of all, thanks for the word of encouragement (that I had a shared place in your inspiration–that is definitely from the Lord!). Second, although these days I refuse to just sit in defeat indefinitely, that picture of the bird getting pelted looks EXACTLY how I’ve felt for part of this week. But he made me so laugh, Craig!! Oh goodness, goodness. My original comment, about praying for courage to be an eagle who flies into the storm, truly is wishful-thinking–I don’t imagine I’ll ever be that courageous. So I’m looking forward to reading which birdie I can be among the flock! Thanks so very much–God bless you most abundantly!


Craig May 14, 2012 at 5:07 pm

First of all Caddo, I’m sorry I’m so late replying to your comment. There are always excuses, this one is that the doctors have me trying a new medication for the sleep and so far it’s making my mind really mushy – mushier than the lack of sleep usually make it. So focusing is harder than it normally is. That means writing goes slower – and answering comment is writing. Just wanted to say sorry.

second, think YOU for making me think deeper, for inspiring me.

And that poor bird – I think you and I are not the only ones to feel, or have felt like him (or her). And about the “Eagle” option – that’s the best one, Today was a thank you post – then tomorrow I’ll write for Deep into Scripture – then on Wednesday – the other noble option – one that poor little bird needed to try. God bless you Caddo!


Rebecca May 11, 2012 at 1:10 pm

More complicated than an eagle? I read your words, pondered them…and agree….I don’t always fly toward the storm…and sometimes…i do choose the victim mentality…until I sit and pray to the one who redeemed me….who created me in His image….not a victim, but someone to do nothing more…than love and glorify Him. Seems simple….it means so much more than just being an eagle…it’s being His child….I can’t wait to see….the next option!


Craig May 14, 2012 at 5:12 pm

Rebecca, it IS more complicated than the Eagle. And I really heart the way you put this, “not a victim, but someone to do nothing more…than love and glorify Him. Seems simple….it means so much more than just being an eagle…it’s being His child”. Today was a thank you post on Love – then tomorrow I’ll write for Deep into Scripture – then on Wednesday – the other noble option – one that poor little bird being pelted by the rain needed to try. Your words have kind of hinted at the next post.

And, , I’m sorry I’m so late replying to your comment. There are always excuses, this one is that the doctors have me trying a new medication for the sleep and so far it’s making my mind really mushy – mushier than the lack of sleep usually make it. So focusing is harder than it normally is. That means writing goes slower – and answering comment is writing. Just wanted to say sorry.

Sorry ツ


Michelle May 12, 2012 at 4:26 am

“There is gain in flying above, some gain in muddling through…
but no gain at all in laying down, giving in, giving up.”

So true, so true. Though we (I) may feel we (I) have no energy to fight on, yet it is still one foot in front of the other. Step by step. Strand by strand (I’ve been dealing with head lice in my 18yo daughter’s very long hair, and of course treating the rest of us) even though it feels as though there is nothing left to give.

But still, I stand. Because I don’t really want to think of the options if I don’t stand with Him.


Craig May 14, 2012 at 5:17 pm

First of all, I’m sorry I’m so late replying to your comment. There are always excuses, this one is that the doctors have me trying a new medication for the sleep and so far it’s making my mind really mushy – mushier than the lack of sleep usually make it. So focusing is harder than it normally is. That means writing goes slower – and answering comment is writing. Just wanted to say sorry.

Second, OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOO about the head lice. My nieces once came home from school with them – and my brother and I spent hour after hour after hour going one strand at a time with very long hair – so I know – I know EXACTLY that you’re speaking of. It was one of the worst things I’ve ever had to do –I know that “can’t go on” feeling – and we had to do it a few times to get it right.

Third, you are SO right – there really is no option if we choose not to stand with HIM.

God bless you my friend – oh, and by the way, we didn’t call them “lice” – we called them “friends”.


Michelle May 15, 2012 at 8:05 am

On a good day we call them ‘wee little critters’ on a bad day………not so much. 🙂


Lisa Maria May 15, 2012 at 11:14 pm

Hi Michelle

Been there…I know just how you feel! It was an ongoing issue in my children’s school and everytime I thought I got rid of it it came back. Then I switched schools and they had moms coming in to do lice checks and I learned a very effective way to get rid of them (they never came back.. of course it helps if the school doesn’t let anyone with lice come to school and they’re doing regular checks). The key is to get rid of the eggs, which are very resilient I must add! Coat your daughter’s hair in olive oil (this is also very good for her hair) and cover it with a shower cap and leave it on over night. This deprives the lice and eggs of oxygen and kills them. Then you have to rinse her hair out with shampoo and vinegar which gets the grease out. After that you can just run the lice comb through and get rid of the eggs. It really works.. I promise! Good luck!


A. May 12, 2012 at 3:14 pm

Craig, I liked your insights in this post, too. I especially hearted that last hunkered down bird. It really can be either funny or poignant…depending on how I view it and related to it.
And the rains came and beat upon the bird…but it did NOT give up. There should be a story to go with that bird!


Craig May 14, 2012 at 5:20 pm

I’m not sure there’s anybody on this earth who couldn’t at one time or another relate with that bird – it IS both funny and poignant – you’re so right. It’s like a Laska post ツ and you know, if I ever find an illustrator for “Froofy Was Scared” – and I sell it here, maybe next I’ll write a story about birds and storms. One step at a time. God bless you A!


Lisa Maria May 15, 2012 at 11:21 pm

Craig, I’m catching up on reading…as you can see from the hour, its been difficult to get online. I’m going through several storms at the moment so I really appreciated this post and the encouragement. Feeling a bit like that poor little birdie, though I would say he also is a brave little birdie. So sorry you had your car damaged. Have to go back and read your previous posts to get filled in. Hope the new meds help you. As for Laska…if only human children were that easily entertained and contented! Having said 5 year old has been playing in the box for a new fan we just bought. The simplest pleasures are still free!

Take care and God bless!


Craig May 16, 2012 at 1:28 pm

first, know this, that I just finished praying for you and your storms – thank you for that opportunity – the storms you’re going through don’t make me smile – but the fact that I can pray for you, though never having met you, and so far away from you, that makes me smile. Second – I think everybody, EVERYBODY can relate to that poor little bird – and yes, it takes a lot of bravery to just sit there and take it – and sometimes that’s all you can do if there’s no shelter around – or if you haven’t got the strength to reach for it, third – Amen – the simplest pleasures ARE still free. Oh, and the new medicine – it was a disaster – I wrote about that on the other blog – but I’m seeing through the disaster – learning. And lastly – the car has met its untimely end. I have very little in terms of property or money – so that cheap little car – it’s a very substantial loss – when there is little to lose, losing just a little, is losing a lot. I know YOU know that. God bless and keep you Lisa Maria.


Lisa Maria May 17, 2012 at 2:28 pm

Craig…I am so sorry about the car..I can truly empathize with you! One of the storms I was going through was about my car (which is 17 years old). We thought it had come to its demise too, or at least a very expensive engine job! God is so good though, they figured out the problem (after I spent nearly $150) was a stuck thermostat which was causing the engine to overheat. Thank God! An engine job would have cost about $1000 (and that was just a quote). So, yes I DO know what you mean about losing a little = losing a lot. We cant afford another car right now.

Sorry the new meds didn’t work out…I’ll pop by the other blog and get some insight on that. Also, thank you for your prayers..I am happy to return the favour. Its always so nice to know that someone out there is covering us in prayer.

God be with you.


Craig May 19, 2012 at 8:14 am

Lisa Maria, my car was also 17 years old – and it really is a relative thing. How losing that thing would be such a small trial to someone with much more money – actually they would even have that car (◠‿◠) – and how having it at all is a blessing considering some parts of the world. Anyway – I’m glad you still have yours – and I’m glad we pray for each other. God bless and keep you my friend.


Katie May 15, 2012 at 11:54 pm

My instinct has always been to run and hide from pain. Hide it away and pretend it is not happening or never happened. I know this latest season of storms, it has been the first time I have embraced my pain and acknowledged it as it was happening, letting God, trusted friends, a counselor/pastor, and loved ones know what was happening inside of me. I feel like I am soaring now instead of just bracing my way and letting the storm pelt down on me. But I can honestly say I don’t want to chase the storms like an eagle. I would rather NOT have any storms. But life has sunshine and storms.


Craig May 16, 2012 at 1:32 pm

it sounds like, Katie, you are finding the way of the eagle – good for you! GOOD FOR YOU! And the Bible does tell us that it rains on the just and the unjust – it’s not about the storm – it’s about those updrafts we can ride on – and the rainbow just beyond the storm. Keep flying my friend!


Louise September 11, 2016 at 11:45 am

I am looking for the source to the bird in the rain image. Can you help me out?


Stacy October 22, 2017 at 10:48 am

I was looking for a picture of bird in storm being still because it reminds me of “be still and know that I am GOD”.
This bird seems to be in perfect peace letting nothing stop it from…”come unto ME all ye that labor and are heavy laden and i will give you REST.
Praise GOD! Behold the MAN!
Thanks for sharing post of this peaceful little bird.


Stacy October 22, 2017 at 10:58 am

Yes, eagle is beautiful too! There is Power in the Blood so that we can FLY and REST.

I didnt read everything before I wrote the above post. Missing the main purpose to post. Sorry about that.

May HE get the Glory for our flight and for our need to be still.

Both birds have such beautiful truth.

Peter said LORD i will never deny YOU and Peter found that the cock crew.

LORD be with us in flight and rest. Amen.


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